Daily Flyer - April 3, 2024

A voice of Ukraine to the West

Daily Flyer - April 3, 2024

Some villages in occupied Kherson Oblast don`t longer exist

Tetiana Hasanenko, the exiled head of Oleshky's military administration, disclosed to Radio Svoboda on April 3rd that the situation in Oleshky, located in occupied Kherson Oblast, is rapidly deteriorating under Russian occupation, with some villages in the region having essentially vanished.

Kherson Oblast had been liberated by Ukrainian forces up to the western bank of the Dnipro River in November 2022. However, Russian forces continue to hold control over the eastern bank, launching attacks against the western bank from the towns and villages under their occupation.

Hasanenko expressed the dire conditions prevailing in the region, citing constant shelling and the absence of essential services such as electricity, water, and gas. She lamented that "some villages of the community no longer exist on the map at all."

Since the onset of 2024, Hasanenko reported that 21 civilians have been wounded and seven have tragically lost their lives under Russian occupation, characterizing the situation as "simply catastrophic." She emphasized that these figures may not be exhaustive, as civilians continue to perish regularly.

The plight of Oleshky was exacerbated by Russia's destruction of the Kakhovka Dam on June 6, 2023, resulting in widescale flooding. While Russian authorities claimed that 59 deaths occurred in floods caused by the dam explosion in the territory they control, investigations by the Associated Press unveiled a significantly higher toll, particularly in Oleshky.

Reports from medical personnel, volunteers, informants, and escapees from the occupied area indicate that the death toll in Oleshky alone is likely in the hundreds. Despite the devastation, Russian forces purportedly prevented locals from evacuating and subsequently seized humanitarian aid intended for the affected population.

Russia used over 4,000 missiles, Shahed drones, guided aerial bombs against Ukraine in March

On April 3rd, President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed that Russia unleashed a staggering arsenal of weaponry against Ukraine in March, comprising over 4,000 missiles, Shahed drones, and guided aerial bombs.

According to Zelensky, Russian forces launched more than 400 missiles of various types, 600 Shahed drones, and a staggering 3,000 guided aerial bombs, resulting in widespread devastation across Ukrainian cities and villages.

Zelensky underscored the brutality of Russia's attacks, particularly for communities situated near the front line, where the terror of constant bombardment is palpable.

Of particular concern is the relentless assault on Kharkiv, with Zelensky noting that Russian forces have escalated their aggression by resorting to aerial bombs in their attacks on the city.

The consequences of these attacks are dire, with Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov revealing that nearly all of the city's energy infrastructure has been destroyed. One of the recent casualties of Russian aggression was the Zmiiv thermal power plant in Kharkiv Oblast, which fell victim to a large-scale attack on March 29th, as reported by state-owned energy company Centrenergo.

Incidents of violence continue to plague Kharkiv, with reports of a March 30th attack resulting in injuries and a March 27th attack claiming the life of a civilian and injuring numerous others, including children.

Zelensky emphasized the urgent need for reliable air defense systems to safeguard Ukrainian lives and restore security to cities like Kharkiv. He highlighted the effectiveness of Patriot air defense systems in countering Russian aggression, asserting that such systems have the potential to neutralize all forms of Russian terror.

Russia has about 200 Su-34, Su-35 fighter jets, 7 A-50 planes

According to a report by ArmyInform on April 3rd, citing data from Ukraine's military intelligence (HUR), Russia currently possesses approximately 100 Su-35 fighter jets, over 100 Su-34 fighter bombers, and seven A-50 early warning and control aircraft as of March.

Ukraine's Defense Ministry revealed in February that it successfully downed 13 Russian aircraft within a span of just two weeks. This marked the highest number of planes destroyed by Ukraine in a single month since October 2022.

The list of downed aircraft included 10 Su-34 fighter bombers, two Su-35 fighter jets, and one A-50 military spy plane. Additionally, another A-50 aircraft was shot down a month prior to this significant incident.

Mariupol suffers cholera outbreak amongst children

According to Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, there is a concerning cholera outbreak affecting children in the temporarily Russian-occupied Mariupol. Andriushchenko conveyed this information via Telegram, highlighting the attempts by Russian authorities to conceal the severity of the situation.

Andriushchenko reported that headteachers are refraining from disclosing the outbreak, and the city has not yet declared a state of emergency. Urging Mariupol residents to take proactive measures, he emphasized the importance of personal hygiene, including handwashing, boiling water, and avoiding consumption of unwashed food and unknown liquids. He also cautioned against swimming in the sea.

Attributing the outbreak to the warming weather, Andriushchenko urged residents to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions.

Additionally, Andriushchenko mentioned the circulation of messages in Viber chats and groups on VKontakte, a Russian social network banned in Ukraine, alleging that Ukraine is planning "biological sabotage." These posts specifically implicated Ukraine in deliberately infecting the water with cholera bacillus, warning of potential fatalities surpassing those from Covid-19.