Daily Flyer - January 14, 2024

A voice of Ukraine to the West

Daily Flyer - January 14, 2024

Ukraine's electronic warfare capabilities growing, taking down Russian missiles

Ukraine's successful use of active electronic countermeasures to disable 20 Russian missiles could signify a notable advancement in Ukrainian electronic warfare capabilities, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) in its daily Ukraine update on January 13.

The ISW highlighted that while Ukrainian electronic warfare has traditionally been associated with disabling drones, the recent incident involving missiles may mark a significant development. The institute characterized the ongoing missile and drone strikes, along with Ukrainian adaptations, as part of a broader tactical and technological competition between long-range strike capabilities and air defense systems.

Yurii Ihnat, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force, pointed out that the Russian strike package used on January 13 resembled previous strike packages from January 8 and other recent attacks. This suggests that Ukrainian forces may be able to identify patterns in recurring Russian strike packages and adapt their strategies accordingly.

On the night of January 12-13, Russia launched another round of long-range weapons at Ukraine, repeating the larger mass strikes observed over the New Year's weekend and on January 8. The arsenal included cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, anti-radiation missiles, and repurposed anti-air missiles.

Zelenskyy will seek to conclude security agreements with other countries after UK

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced that the United Kingdom has become the first country to sign a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine. Zelenskyy expressed confidence that this agreement will support Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression and establish a foundation for robust security cooperation until Ukraine becomes a member of NATO.

In a statement posted on Facebook, President Zelenskyy said, "The Ukraine-UK security agreement provides us with confidence as we defend ourselves against Russian aggression and lays the groundwork for strong security positions until Ukraine joins NATO. The United Kingdom is the first country with which we have reached such a security agreement. We will keep working with other partners to ensure the development of our security. We are making Ukraine stronger step by step."

Russia injures six more civilians in Kherson Oblast

On January 13, in Kherson Oblast, six more people were reported injured as a result of Russian aggression, according to information from the Kherson Oblast Military Administration on Telegram.

Details provided indicated that, during the past day, Russians conducted 103 attacks, launching 406 projectiles from various weapons, including mortars, artillery, MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems), tanks, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), and aircraft. Twenty-eight of these attacks were directed at Kherson.

The Russian military reportedly targeted residential areas of settlements in Kherson Oblast, as well as port infrastructure in the region.

Russian missile attack: Over 20 houses and shops damaged in Chernihiv

A Russian missile attack on the city of Chernihiv on Saturday, 13 January damaged 23 houses and 4 shops, as well as windows and balconies in 20 flats of an apartment building.

The electricity, gas and heat supply systems in the damaged buildings are still operating as normal.

Russians have intensified their efforts in Donetsk Oblast

Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, Commander of the Tavriia Operational Strategic Group, has reported that Russian efforts have been concentrated in Donetsk Oblast, as per information shared on Telegram.

Tarnavskyi stated, "The enemy is active again – 59 combat engagements and 42 airstrikes over the day. Yesterday, the invaders concentrated their efforts in Donetsk Oblast. The enemy also conducted 879 artillery attacks and significantly increased the use of various UAVs. Our troops destroyed as many as 56 of them. In addition, the occupiers have one less Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system."

He further provided details, mentioning that the Russians incurred losses, including 338 soldiers and 80 pieces of equipment, on the Tavriia front. Specifically, they lost four tanks, eight armored combat vehicles, four artillery systems, two air defense systems, four vehicles, two pieces of special equipment, and one ammunition storage point.